Sounds like he is more interested in his friends than he is in you. You can grab the phone, tell who ever is on it that he is tied up for a while and then hang up the phone. Then, don't give it back to him until the two of you talk.
If things don't change, I would make arrangements to leave.If your husband love to gossip on the phone all day and barely no conversation with you .???
You really have to talk this over with him. Tell him everything you told us. Communication is lacking between the both of you. Maybe he doesn't know how you truly feel. By talking it over with him, maybe he will realize what he is doing and will spend more time with you. Communication is the number one thing in a relationship that helps to keep it all together. Good Luck!
Be assertive. I agree with the first person who responded to your question. Simply go into the home and disconnect the phone. However, I think that it is pretty strange that he's on the phone more than you.
Walk in and disconnect the phone, tell him to hang up while you are home or your going to start to roam. It sure sounds like that is what your saying.
you must be a boring person if he doesnt want to talk to you
hes prolly just tired of you
I'd wonder what the folks with whom he gossips are doing that I'm not doing.
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