Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Married Woman Only (Have you ever been cheated on by your husband, ex husband?)?

A friend of mines suspected her husband cheated on her a long time ago and she never confronted him about it, she blames herself for working away and is obviously suffering from betrayal, trust issues, heartbreak, pain. She denies it but it is so blantantly obvious. She recently fell in love with somebody else and he loved her too. They both had a secret love affair for awhile but then she chose to end it (who knows why). Her husband also suspects that she has now been cheating too. But she went back to her husband and has now accepted a job in which they will move to another country and work in the same department, live together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But obviously without confronting each other about these affairs, they have communication issues. Maybe she is scared of being let down away and so pushes the other guy away. But without commitment, trust, communication, and the suspicions eating away at them I don't see how this relationship will work. I'm worried about herMarried Woman Only (Have you ever been cheated on by your husband, ex husband?)?
i wanted to make this a short answer, but i dont think its possible... if she doesn't trust him, if he has ever done anything to even make her think of not trusting, then no matter what happens, she will never trust him again, cause she will never believe he didn't do anything... for 5 years, i was so sick with crohn's disease and on pain killers that i got chemically hooked.. i lost my libido completely and instead of staying in sickness and health, my husband decided he needed someone to take care of his ';needs.'; well, i found out, several times, and the major one was when i found the girls cell phone in my house and him trying to call it while he was ';out walking the dog'; and he had the balls to denigh it... well, when i finally got my head together several months later, my best friend, who was visiting from another state, had said she was going to be packing up her house and moving back home.. well, i didn't have a job or anything, so i begged her to take me and i would pack her house with her.. while i was away, i met a few guys, and realized that i can be loved by other men and i wasn't stuck with my husband.. and decided to divorce.. it was the best thing i ever did.. i got divorced last november, and yes, ex hubby did try to get me back, but he was just not worth it, now that i had figured things out.. and i met a man, just a few months later, when i wasn't even looking for a relationship, and i am just over the moon about him.. like i was struck by a thunderbolt, he is the most loving and caring man who wouldn't think of hurting me and it feels sssoooo good to trust him... because that truly is the number one thing to have in a relationship.. without it, you have absolutly nothing.. ur s e x cannot even be as good... i wish her the best of luck.. i think she should take this job and move to another country ALONE!!!! its the best thing.. start over fresh...Married Woman Only (Have you ever been cheated on by your husband, ex husband?)?
Well...I was cheated on and I felt every emotion in the book...I forgave my husband and we went to therapy and worked through it...We had a family and really we loved have to REALLY WANT TO MAKE IT WORK or it can't...I have to work at it every day and know that in the end it is all worth it...I get scared sometimes still...but if you keep on trying you can do it!
I'm married, but my husband hasn't cheated on me as far as I know and he better not. But I do know what it feels like 2 be cheated on from past relationships. Every1 is different some women/men and can forgive and some can't. Me I can't. But b/c she is married I think she does need 2, b/c she'll end up wasting away her life w/guilt and that can damage a person. they both need 2 communicate w/each other, even if its w/a therapist. Good Luck!1
Why would you say married women only? Do you think only men cheat? It's obvious that your friend does too...
My husband cheated on me after we were together for two years. We had a two year old at the time. He got the other girl pregnant. After a year we decided to try and work things out. After five years we had a second child. Things were looking good. Nine years into our relationship we finally got married and I was pregnant with our third child. Well, after eleven years and three kids later he cheated on me again. This time I can't forgive him. Once a cheater always a cheater. I believe it gets into your blood and you crave it. When things are not going your way you start talking to other people. Soon other people make you feel really good. Then there goes the cheating.

I hope everything works out for your friend.
He cheated on me 10 yrs ago physically and then after promising no more it was chat lines and chat rooms. I've never regained trust and we tried communication which got us somewhere but our busy lives just put that on the back burner. Open communication is the issue.
I personally have not been cheated on by my husband but have in the past my bf's. However I do not feel that just because one person cheats gives the other person the right to cheat, this is something she should have discussed with her husband. They both need to do some serious communicating and possibly even some counseling if they plan to work this marriage out.

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