Friday, August 20, 2010

Wives & Mil's - why can't you work together to give your husband / son a peaceful life?

I am so tired of wives clashing with mother in laws, and vice versa. The thing is, my wife expects me to make it easy for her when I see her parents, and her father has doen some awful, awful things. My mom was pretty horrible to my wife, is now sorry (seemingly) about it. I hated my mom for a while too, but I am trying to make it work. My wife denies it, but she resents time I spend with my mom, which at present is about 30 mins every two weeks. I am trying to work on that relationship to make it a quality relationship. I love my wife and make sure she is no1 in my life, I don't feel she reciprocates this, and makes much more about her family. I guess siblings can fall out, but surely inlaws should make more of an effort. Ladies - are you really unaware how much pressure you put on the men, who feel could in the crossfire?Wives %26amp; Mil's - why can't you work together to give your husband / son a peaceful life?
Oh dear, I feel really sorry for you. There is

only one way to sort this out, talk to your wife

tell her how it is effecting you. Ask her if you

can come to an agreement that will work out

for both of you,that you visit your mother once

a week. I have a fantastic relationship with

my daughters-law,and my son-in-law,how?

I mind my own buisness and never ever

interfere.I wish you well and hope things turn

round for you.Wives %26amp; Mil's - why can't you work together to give your husband / son a peaceful life?
usually because mother in laws are wicked witches who will hate you whatever you do to make their son happy!

they just cant bear the fact that their son loves some other woman more than them and so do everything in their power to make the wives life hell!
think some Men fail to see what women have given up to be with them, and i am directing this to Asian men in particular. We women have to leave our parents house, often leave the town/city we grew up in, friends, family to join our husband in his home and with his family, readjust our lives to the way they live and then when we suggest getting our own place being treated like the devil who wants to split the family up by stealing the son away!!!! and this isnt only linked to arranged marriages but men who think they can have it all, the woman they seemingly love and thier own family and heaven forbid we mention visiting our family once in a while!!!!!!!!!
I have a love hate relationship with my mother in law too. She just bugs me and seems to do things to purposefully annoy me.. I adore my father in law.

My hubby and my mum get on really well...
from the minute i met my MIL...i could see that she didn't like me, she gave me that disgusted look and took my (then) boyfriend into another room and left me sitting there for over 30 minutes on my own, i felt awful, i could hear raised voices, then he came out and said we were leaving...I'd never met this woman before and she knew nothing about me, but she hated me from day this day i do not know why she disliked me, but i really don't care now...but throughout my married life she made my life hell, she wouldn't come to the wedding, she would not even congratulate me when i had my son....i tried to be nice to her, but it was so hard....eventually, i snapped and told her what i thought of her, which she didn't like, but i couldn't help myself....she needed to know what a horrible vile obnoxious old woman she was, and i told her straight....all i wanted to do was to get on with his side of the family...but she made it so difficult for me, and my poor husband was stuck in the middle trying to keep things peaceful, this caused me and my husband to divorce...his was many years ago now and way in the past but when ever i think about her, i really hate her more...i have no idea why mother in laws are offish with the daughter in laws...maybe it's a jealousy thing...all i can say is...good riddance to her....she's bitter and twisted and will soon become a very lonely old woman....i must add that i am a mother in law myself and my sons girl is like the daughter i never had...she's wonderful and we have a close bond with each other, infact she asked me to be at my grandsons birth a week ago....that was so special...she's the greatest...i love her to bits...and my son is so lucky to have such a wonderful girl and a great mother to his children....
My mother in law is straight out of hell! Having said that I would never stop my hubby seeing her but she put us through so much hell he decided he didn't want any more to do with her. We moved to a new area and didn't tell her. So far she hasn't found us but I'm sure she will one day. The down side is that he has lost contact with his brother, we know if we contact him he will tell his mother where we are so can't risk it.

I hope I've learnt from this experience and treat my sons girlfriends well.

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